

78 2023-11-15 13:35 admin


公司宗旨: 诚信、求实、开拓、创新

The Objects of Corporation: Honesty, Realistic, Exploration, Innovation

公司追求: 每个细节都精工细作

The Pursuit of Corporation: Pay specifically attention to the details.

公司理念: 质量才是硬道理

Corporation Philosophy: Quality is the constant principle.

公司方针: 融科学管理 创亿欧欧品牌 争优质高效 求创新发展

Corporation Policy: Based on Scientific Management

To build up Yioou Brand

Struggling for high quality and efficiency

Seeking for sustainable innovation and development


Language is the tool of thinking and the result of thinking. They are closely related. People think, express thinking and train language with the help of language is an important way to cultivate thinking ability.





公司口号:完美的搜索引擎、不作恶(Don't be evil)

不作恶(Don't be evil)是谷歌公司的一项非正式的公司口号,它最早是由Gmail服务创始人保罗·布克海特(Paul Buchheit)和阿米特·帕特尔(Amit Patel)在一次会议中提出。

五、Google 的工作理念是什么?








Introduction:Google is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc, and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies.Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.



History of Google

Google began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page.Their search engine was originally nicknamed BackRub because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.

In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googleplex (a play on the word googolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.