

293 2023-11-07 10:36 admin













1、燃油附加费(Bunker Surcharge or Bunker Adjustment Factor , 缩写是BAF)

2、货币贬值附加费(Devaluation Surcharge or Currency Adjustment Factor , 缩写是CAF)

3、绕航附加费 (Deviation Surcharge)

4、苏伊士运河附加费 (Suez Canal Surcharge)

5、转船附加费 (Transhipment Surcharge)

6、直航附加费 (Direct Additional)

7、港口附加费 (Port Surcharge)

8、港口拥挤附加费 (Port Congestion Surcharge)

9、超重附加费 (Heavy-Lift Additional)

10、超长附加费 (Long Length Additional)

11、洗舱费 (Cleaning Charge)

12、熏蒸费 (Fumigation Charge)

13、冰冻附加费 (Ice Surcharge)

14、选择卸货港附加费 (Optional Fees or Optional Additional)

15、变更卸货港附加费 (Alteration Charge)


国际民用航空组织 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

国际航空运输协会 International Air Transport Association (IATA)

班机运输 Scheduled Airline

包机运输 Chartered Carrier

集中托运 Consolidation

航空快递 Air Express

航空运单 Air Waybill

航空主运单 Master Air Waybill (MAWB)

航空分运单 House Air Waybill (HAWB)

计坦磨让费重量 Chargeable Weight

重货 High density cargo

轻货 Low density cargo

特种货物运价 Specific Commodity Rates (SCR)

等价货物运价 Commodity Classification Rates (CCR)

普通货物运价 General Cargo Rates (GCR)

集装设备 Unit Load Devices (ULD)

比例运价 Construction Rate

分段相加运价 Combination of Rate

声明价值费 Valuation Charges

运输声明价值 Declared value for Carriage

不要求声让局明价值 No Value Declared (NVD)

海关声明价值 Declared Value for Customs

无声明价值 No customs valuation (NCV)


货物 ① goods ② freight ③ cargo

运输 ① transportation ② transit ③ conveyance

运送 ① to transport ② to carry ③ to convey

运输业 ① transportation business ② forwarding business ③ carrying trade

运输代理人 a forwarding agent

承运人 ① a freight agent ② a carrier

船务代理人 a shipping agent

陆上运输 transportation by land

海上运输 transportation by sea

货物运输 ① goods traffic ② freight traffic ③ carriage of freights ④ carriage of goods

货轮 ①cargo boat ②freighter ③cargo steamer ④cargo carrier

火车 ①goods-train ②freight-train

卡车 ①goods-van ②goods wagon ③freight car ④truck

货运办公室 ①goods-office ②freight-department

运费率 ①freight ②freight rates ③goods rate

运费 ①carriage charges ②shipping expenses ③express charges

车费 ①cartage ②portage

运费预付 ①carriage prepaid ②carriage paid

运费到付 ①carriage forward ②freight collect

运费免除||免费 carriage free

协定运费 ①conference freight ②freight rate

运费清单 freight account

托运单 ①way-bill ②invoice

运送契约 contract for carriage

装运 ①shipment ②loading

装上货轮 ①to ship ②to load ③to take on a ship

装运费 ①shipping charges ②shipping commission

装运单||载货单 shipping invoice

装运单据 shipping documents

大副收据 mate's receipt

装船单 shipping order

提货单 delivery order

装船通知 shipping advice

包裹收据 parcel receipt

准装货单 shipping permit

租船契约 charter party

租船人 charterer

程租船||航次租赁 voyage charter

期租船 time charter

允许装卸时间 ①lay days ②laying days

工作日 working days

连续天数 ①running days ②consecutive days

滞期费 demurrage

滞期日数 demurrage days

速遣费 despatch money

空舱费 dead freight

退关 ①short shipment ②goods short shipped ③goods shut out ④shut-outs

赔偿保证书(信托收据) ①letter of indemnity ②trust receipt

装载 loading

卸货 ①unloading ②discharging ③landing

装运重量 ①shipping weight ②in-take-weight

卸货重量 landing weight

压舱 ballasting

压舱货 in ballast

舱单 manifest

船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry

航海日记 ship's log

船员名册 muster-roll

(船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health

光票 clean bill

不清洁提单 foul bill

有疑问提单 suspected bill

物流常用英语 外贸英语之装运Shipment

The shipment has arrived in good condition.


I hope you'll be entirely satisfied with this initial shipment.


Please exercise better care with future shipments.


Can last shipment be duplicated?


We regret we can't ship as you desired.


We'll send vessels to pick up the cargo at Huangpu.


There is an over-shipment of 200 lbs.


Can we short-ship 5 tons?


Please hold shipment pending our instructions.


The goods are all ready for shipment.


I've got a bone to pick with you over your last shipment to London.


The cargo has been shipped on board s.s. Dong Feng.


We ship most of our oil in bulk.


We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to the U.S.A.


The facilities for shipping goods to southeast Asian countries have changed a lot.


Words and Phrases

shipment 装运

shipping advice 装船通知

loading 装货

shipping order 装货单

to effect shipment 装运

shipping 装运的

shipping mark 装运标志

to make shipment 交货,装运

to ship 装船,装运

shipping instruction 装船单据

to make delivery of the goods 交货

to take delivery of the goods 提货

]unloading/discharging 卸货

loading list 装船单

loading charge 装船费

loading certificate 装货证明书

loading days 装货天数,装载时间

load off 卸货

Male's Receipt 大副收据

loaded on Deck (货物)装于甲板上

Shipping Instructions Form 装船指示单

shipping documents 装船单据

cargo mark 货物装运标志
